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SARMs Information & Research

Effects of Ostarine on Muscle Tissue

Ostarine Effects On Muscle Tissue

Ostarine and SARMs research are taking up a growing portion of the list of over 410,000 clinical trials listed by the U.S. National Library of Medicine as more studies show promising results. Ostarine MK 2866 is being utilized for laboratory research and is continuing to extend its reach in the field.

SARMs products are primarily known as anabolic compounds that have a potential to replace testosterone or androgen steroids. This is because Ostarine is one of the most widely tested SARMs. But does Ostarine indeed improve muscle tissue?

Ostarine’s current clinical studies test for muscle and bone growth, but other physiological effects are also indicated.

In our complete guide on Ostarine MK 2866, we will break down how it functions, what current studies show, and how your studies can be a part of future research, so keep reading for more information!

What Are SARMs?

SARMs is an acronym that stands for selective androgen receptor modulator. They are nonsteroidal chemical compounds with antagonist and agonist effects on androgen receptors.

Some of the key differences noted between SARMs and androgenic steroids in clinical studies are:

  • Improved tissue selectivity
  • Lack of estrogen conversion
  • Improved efficacy with lower dosages

Researchers are currently analyzing the localized and systemic effects depend of SARMs related to their type and quality. Liquids and powders can yield more consistent results than capsules. Capsules are challenging to test and re-validate between batches.

What Is Ostarine?

Ostarine MK 2866 is a popular type of SARM. There are many other SARMs compounds, such as:

  • Ibutamoren
  • Cardarine
  • Testolone
  • Ligandrol
  • Stenabolic
  • Andarine
  • And more

Many of these subtypes are better known for their number. Ostarine, or MK-2866, is a tissue-specific SARM yielding promising results on systemic muscle enhancements according to recent research. Current studies also show effects on:

  • Tissue healing
  • Bone healing
  • Body Fat

SARMs also have shown encouraging results in trials for breast cancer, prostate cancer, and stress urinary incontinence.

The difficulty when testing Ostarine MK 2866 for research is finding high-quality and accurately labeled ingredients. Liquid forms are the most reliable, but some products do not detail other additives that could change study outcomes. When you are looking for a SARMs vendor, be sure to review what you need to know before you buy Ostarine.

Can Ostarine Improve Muscle Wasting Diseases: Sarcopenia?

Ostarine MK 2866 benefits muscle tissue growth by targeting tissue-specific androgen functions. The receptors help improve protein synthesis and muscle and bone growth without various androgenic side effects.

In a 12-week Phase II clinical trial, Ostarine MK 2866 increased total lean body mass and showed promising effects to combat:

  • Wasting of Muscle
  • Sarcopenia
  • Cancer cachexia

Yet, one of the most significant barriers is for researchers to determine the ideal Ostarine MK 2866 quantity needed. Studies have shown that too much Ostarine MK 2866 has increased risks for organ damage and liver toxicity.

Although to a much milder degree than unregulated studies, hepatoxic events were found in study subjects when under controlled environments. 

It should be noted that Ostarine MK 2866 (or any SARM) is not cleared for human consumption and this testing should be performed under a research or clinical trial. When performing research, the purity of the product should be known.

Can Ostarine Help With Tissue Repair?

In recent rat studies, Ostarine MK 2866 and Ligandrol were used for post-menopausal symptoms. The goal of the study was to assess muscle mass and function. The Ostarine MK 2866 group showed improvements with:

  • Higher capillary density
  • Muscle vascularization
  • Muscle metabolism

Ligandrol showed minor changes in muscle size. Yet, the same was not seen in the Ostarine MK 2866 group.

The changes in muscle vascularization indicate better tissue healing and contractility. Ostarine MK 2866 had a more profound effect on capillary density than Ligandrol, but it lagged behind Ligandrol for enzyme activity.

Muscle enzymes also play a critical role in injury recovery. Ligandrol edged Ostarine for higher muscle enzyme activity effects. However, one of the Ostarine side effects was increased uterine weight in the rodents. 

Mainly, this side effect seen in the rats was noted with increased amounts, making it critical for dose-dependent Ostarine research for muscle and tissue recovery to be conducted prior to FDA approval and to prevent muscle loss in the future.

Ostarine vs. Testosterone

Testosterone can have many adverse cardiovascular effects and affects reproductive organs. So far, SARMs like Ostarine act as full antagonists or partial agonists on reproductive organs according to recent studies.

Research indicates Ostarine and other SARMs show less severity on common side effects that they share with testosterone, such as:

  • HDL levels
  • Liver function
  • Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis

One of testosterone’s largest limitations is its side effects in females. Many androgen-specific compounds induce virilization. Ostarine may offer fewer issues and side effects with females, broadening the target population of SARMs compared to steroids.

The results compared to testosterone are optimistic and can open the door for exciting and innovative research that can be used for more than isolated population groups.

Ostarine Study Limitations

Ostarine is one of the most studied SARMs. It has progressed to phase 2a clinical studies and has even shown changes in insulin sensitivity. Unpublished studies also detail that Ostarine contributes to better survival rates for small cell lung cancer subjects.

Strength and muscle mass gains are considered modest compared to androgen steroids for disease that cause wasting of muscles. Purity could change the outcomes of this comparison, but safety and more extensive research is needed for FDA approval prior to claims being verified.

Additionally, future studies should target how muscle mass improvements relate to long-term changes in function.

Future of Ostarine Research and Where to Buy Ostarine

Ostarine results from ongoing research trials are encouraging for what the future holds for SARMs like S4 Andarine, and Ligandrol. Its tissue-specific effects may make it a unique chemical compound for treating multiple diseases and illnesses according to recent research.

Cancer and other debilitating diseases can cause sarcopenia. Spearheading Ostarine research through high-quality products can help your team discover new and innovative ways Ostarine can be used for laboratory research and future discoveries

Sports Technology Labs carries pure Ostarine powder as well as a convenient Liquid Ostarine solution. Ostarine MK 2866 can be offered with fast shipping and we stock ostarine year round to always be able to satisfy our researchers and chemists needs alike. Buy ostarine today and use coupon code sarm16 to get started on your next research breakthrough!

For additional information, please feel free to send us a message through our email [email protected]

Scientific References:

1. Buy SARMs. Sports Technology Labs. 2022 Mar 31 [accessed 2022 Apr 20].

2. C. Kirksey, Your Ultimate 2021 SARMs Research Review. Sports Technology Labs (2022) (available at

3. H. Bedi, C. Hammond, D. Sanders, M.-H. Yang, E. Yoshida, Drug-Induced Liver Injury From Enobosarm (Ostarine), a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator. ACG Case Reports Journal (2021).

4. Peixoto Da Fonseca GW, Von Haehling S, Ebner N, Dworatzek E. Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) as pharmacological treatment for muscle wasting in ongoing clinical trials. Taylor & Francis. 2020 Jun 1 [accessed 2022 Apr 20]. 

5. P. J. Roch et al., Ostarine and Ligandrol Improve Muscle Tissue in an Ovariectomized Rat Model. Frontiers (2020).


7. Sports Technology Labs, What to Know Before You Buy SARMs. Sports Technology Labs (2021).

8. Trends, charts, and maps. [accessed 2022 Apr 20].