Certificates of Analysis
SARMs Certificates of Analysis
As part of our continuous commitment to quality we test every batch of our SARMs for sale for a minimum of 98% purity. Below are our most recent third party COA’s (certificates of analysis) for each product. Values between 100% and 101.9% indicate that our sample was purer than the reference standard it was measured against since reference standards are also minimum 98% purity. We recommend that buyers of research chemicals always use a source that is third party tested and to call third party labs to confirm that the results you see online are legitimate before purchasing products.
RAD 150 / TLB 150
Ostarine / MK2866
RAD 140 / Testolone
Ligandrol / LGD 4033
Ibutamoren / MK 677
S4 / Andarine
Stenabolic / SR9009
Cardarine / GW501516
Peptides Certificates of Analysis
As part of our continuous commitment to quality we test every batch of our Peptides for sale for a minimum of 95% purity when Mannitol is required for stability in storage, or for a minimum of 98% purity when Mannitol is not required. Below are our most recent third party COA’s (certificates of analysis) for each product. We recommend that buyers of research chemicals always use a source that is third party tested and to contact third party labs to confirm that the results you see online are legitimate before purchasing products.