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Do People Actually Buy MK 2866 on Etsy?

ostarine on etsy

Did you know that Etsy doubled its active buyers between 2019 and 2020? You can find almost anything on the site, and some are purchasing SARMs like Ostarine on Etsy.

Chemical products on third-party websites have created a new realm of health problems. Purchasers are unaware of the dangers of these products that haven’t been thoroughly tested or regulated. 

Additionally, Ostarine MK 2866 on Etsy for research can come with various impurities and mislabeled information. The shelf life of these mislabeled products are unknown, and how they compare to other SARMs and compounds remains unknown. This can affect the quality of research and clinical guidelines. Luckily, we have put together a complete guide on what Ostarine MK 2866 is, current ongoing research found, and how you can get started testing this product from one of the purest MK 2866 found on the market; so keep reading for more information!

What Are SARMs?

SARMs is an acronym for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. Ostarine MK 2866 is a type of SARM, and they are often found under the same or both names. Research indicates SARMs are tissue-specific androgens that lead to several anabolic effects, mainly in bones, muscles, or connective tissues. Depending on the type of SARM, they will bind to a specific androgen receptors while avoiding common androgenic side effects. There are several other well-known SARMs or SARMs related products, such as:

  • RAD-40 (Testolone)
  • S-4 (Andarine)
  • SR9009 (Stenabolic)
  • LGD-4033 (Ligandrol)
  • YK-11 (Myostine)
  • GW501516 (Cardarine)

Currently, SARMs are not FDA-approved, and although several studies and clinical trials are researching their implications, their current intended purpose is strictly for research. Ongoing clinical trials are looking at a new SARM called LY SARM. The study’s primary goal is to improve quality of life factors for post-operative radical prostatectomy. Some of the other areas currently being studied are related to:

  • Libido and sexual function
  • Bone mass
  • Muscle mass

The investigational compound Ostarine MK 2866 is being studied on prostate cancer because it is speculated Ostarine MK 2866 may be designed to minimize negative effects in the prostate.

Buying MK 2866 and SARMs Online

Purchasing SARMs online has become more prevalent in recent years, but it can be dangerous because of the significant increases in lack of regulation and the risk of dangerous additives. MK 2866 is a specific SARM that has increased in popularity with SARMs research and purchases through online retailers such as Etsy because it is the most popular and most widely studied SARM. When buying MK 2866 for laboratory research use, it is critical to understand its physiological effects on the body. Here are some key tips for buying SARMs online for research or clinical trials and where to find the highest-purity SARMs on the market:

  • Third-party verification
  • Age Verifications
  • Quality of product (e.g., research labels and ingredients)
  • Don’t purchase based on price alone
  • Check unsubstantiated claims
  • Does the website start with ‘https://’?

Retailers could advertise for a substance, such as MK 2866, but replace it with a different ingredient and cause significant outcome changes in your research and studies. In addition to these online buying tips, retailers should not claim that SARMs can be used for human consumption to gain muscle mass or improve physical function as they are not for human consumption and should never be advertised to make false claims such as these statements. Currently, SARMs are only in the research phase. Studies show research on SARMS making unsubstantiated claims without FDA approval, which puts many people’s heart health and general health at risk.

Dangers of Buying SARMs Online

As an example, a recent case study looked at the dangers of taking unregulated Ligandrol (LGD-4033). The test subject arrived at the emergency room with high liver enzymes and jaundice. In the study, no other products or substances were given, and the subject did not have a significant past medical history. The subject showed signs of:

  • Itching
  • Acholic stool
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Significant weight loss
  • Malnourishment

The subject in the current trial was given nearly 10 times what was researched in monitored studies and a rat model. In this instance, the subject had hepatotoxicity from purchasing and using Ligandrol from an online retailer.

Ostarine on Etsy

One place where SARMs have increased in popularity is Etsy. Etsy is an online store or marketplace that sells various handmade products at affordable prices. These are individual sellers, often sending out shipments from their homes or small businesses. Since Etsy is the platform, sellers are not under strict regulations and monitoring through the government or health departments. Searching “SARMs Ostarine” on Etsy gives you dozens of results for Ostarine, bacteriostatic water, and more and are advertised as great products. Many reviews don’t dive into the effects of Ostarine purchases. Yet, some mention heartburn or ineffective results. Retailers cannot endorse SARMs like Ostarine for sale as a muscle-enhancing or muscle wasting product, or make claims of this nature without research based evidence. Many Etsy SARMs contain unique recommendations that aren’t backed by clinical research. They also claim that Ostarine improves muscle mass and weight loss and is safe for all uses, but Ostarine is not FDA approved making these claims false. While it is legal to sell SARMs for research, even laboratories could have mixed results with Etsy Ostarine purchases. Be mindful of where your products are being supplied from when conducting research.

SARMs Human Consumption Risk

Additional information states how in a 520-person survey, over 340 stated they had purchased SARMs. The majority did not consult a medical practitioner. Some of the adverse effects of SARMs reported were:

  • Mood swings
  • Acne
  • Decreased testicular size

Similar to other anabolic steroids, some subjects did report an increase in muscle mass. Yet, health risks need closer evaluation for the short and long-term effects. Purchasing high-quality liquid Ostarine or powder SARMs can help your laboratory get the head start needed.

Where is SARMs Research These Days?

Current studies are also looking at SR9009 for small cell lung cancer and Alzheimer’s treatments. SARMs have the potential to go beyond their implications on muscle, and further research is needed to expand knowledge on these compounds. High-quality Ostarine can help laboratories and researchers advise on future recommendations for laboratory research and clinical trialing in the future. Currently, there is an ongoing clinical trial for Ostarine. It is being researched on patients with metastatic breast cancer who have failed other treatments.

Improving SARMs Research and Implications

Purchasing Ostarine on Etsy is dangerous as it promotes unauthorized human consumption. There are no studies to date that have gained approval for widespread human use and this is not FDA approved as these are research chemicals used by scientists.

What are the next steps? As researchers and scientists, there needs to be a stronger push to study high purity Ostarine. Its localized and systemic effects as well as quality control requirements need to be monitored to protect test subjects and the integrity of data.

Low on stock ostarine for your testing needs? Buy MK 2866 from a reliable source that is proud to offer great customer service. Liquid ostarine and powder MK 2866 are available today. Sports Technology Labs carries the highest quality liquid Ostarine and pure Ostarine powder for sale. For fast shipping on SARMs like MK 2866, Sports Technology Labs can provide this chemical compound for your research needs.

SARMs are available for laboratory research use only. MK 2866 should be used by medical professionals and researchers, and clinical trialing only.

Scientific References:

1. D. Curry, Etsy revenue and Usage Statistics (2022). Business of Apps (2022).

2. Efficacy & Safety Evaluation of enobosarm in combo with Abemaciclib in treatment of ER+HER2- metastatic breast cancer – full text view. Efficacy & Safety Evaluation of Enobosarm in Combo With Abemaciclib in Treatment of ER+HER2- Metastatic Breast Cancer – Full Text View – (2022).

3. Sports Technology Labs. Sarms vs peptides: What’s the difference? Sports Technology Labs. 2021 Nov 12 [accessed 2022 Apr 24].

4. A selective androgen receptor modulator for symptom management in prostate cancer – tabular view. Tabular View – (2021) 

5. M. Barbary, S. Dhingra, A. L. Mindikoglu, Ligandrol (lgd-4033)-induced liver injury: ACG case reports journal. LWW (2020)

6. White CM. Dietary Supplements Pose Real Dangers to Patients. 2020 Jan 24 [accessed 2022 Apr 24].

7. I. V. Efimenko, D. Valancy, J. M. Dubin, R. Ramasamy, Adverse effects and potential benefits among selective androgen receptor modulators users: A cross-sectional survey. International journal of impotence research (2021).

8. Sports Technology Labs, 3 recent SR9009 case studies and their findings. Sports Technology Labs (2022).